Bravery and dedication: SAR awards volunteer firefighters’ heroism

Joseph Greer Chapter, Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution (TNSSAR), awarded two Heroism Medals and four Firefighter Commendation Medals to members of the Lincoln County Volunteer Fire Rescue Department during last Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Lincoln County Commission. Volunteer firefighters who were recognized to receive the medals were Capt. Collin Stovall, Firefighter Lucas Little, Firefighter Vern Alcorn, Lt. Jeremy Thompson, Firefighter Ken Young and Incident Commander Billy Miles Jr.

Very few of these (medals) are awarded, said Rick Laws, president of Joseph Greer Chapter, (TNSSAR). Laws explained that a Heroism Commendation and Medal recognizes outstanding bravery and self-sacrifice in the face of imminent danger, such as acts which involve great personal courage and risk to the recipient. It is intended primarily for acts by civilians, not in uniform, but does not exclude police, firemen, EMS and SAR members, according to Laws. It is not intended to recognize acts that would have been covered in the performance of one’s normal duty, nor by medals for valor by the armed forces, Laws, stated prior to the event.

The Fire Safety Commendation and Medal is presented to an individual for accomplishments and/or outstanding contributions in an area of fire safety and service, Laws said. The award is not limited to firefighters. It may be presented to recognize a variety of fire safety and services that have evolved into a highly technical and skilled profession with constant study, development and involvement by numerous dedicated citizens with a single goal, which is protecting human life and property by preventing injuries or casualties due to fire and chemicals. The medal may be presented posthumously. The medal may be presented to an individual only once.

Prior to the awards presented during the meeting, Doug Campbell, Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency director and fire chief, introduced Laws along with five of the six volunteer firefighters who were instrumental in rescuing a woman inside a burning residence on Wells Hill Road on Aug. 5, 2024. Capt. Billy Miles Jr. was unable to attend the ceremony.

“I have been in close coordination with Chief Doug Campbell, EMA director, in working up the documentation presented to TNSSAR and National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR) for recording the awards in the SAR database,” Laws said.

Park City Volunteer Fire Rescue Capt. Stovall received the award in recognition of his extraordinary courage and quick action, stated Laws. He was the first firefighter on the scene and didn’t hesitate to take immediate and decisive action in the face of danger. After being informed of a possible individual trapped inside the burning residence, he bravely made entry into the building. Despite the intense heat and smoke, Stovall located the trapped woman and began the critical task of getting her out to safety. His selfless actions under extreme conditions directly contributed to saving a life. Collin’s bravery and dedication exemplify the highest standards of heroism, Laws said.

Volunteer Firefighter Lucas Little of the Molino Volunteer Fire Rescue unit was awarded the Heroism Medal for his unwavering courage and support in a life-threatening situation, said Law. Upon arriving at the scene, Lucas swiftly entered the burning residence to assist Stoval in the rescue of a trapped woman. Together, they navigated the dangerous environment to bring her to safety. Lucas’ quick thinking and willingness to put himself in harm’s way were crucial steps in the successful rescue operation. His actions are a testament to his bravery and commitment to protecting the lives of others, Laws acknowledged.

For his professionalism and courage in the line of duty, Vernon Alcorn, volunteer firefighter with Blanche Volunteer Fire Rescue, was awarded the Firefighters Commendation Medal. Alcorn made a prompt entry into the burning residence alongside his fellow firefighters to extinguish the flames and prevent further damage. “His actions were instrumental in controlling the fire and ensuring the safety of those on the scene. Vernon’s dedication and bravery in the face of danger exemplify the qualities of a true firefighter,” Laws said.

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